Air Lock and Rubber Bung System Information
Air Lock & Bung System Information
If you are planning to use your oak barrel for aging or serving wine or beer, this airlock and rubber bung system is used to prevent beer or wine contamination. This product allows carbon dioxide gas (produced during fermentation) to escape from the barrel, but preventing oxygen from entering the barrel. Half-fill the airlock with water or a sulphite solution when fitted to the barrel. This 3 piece design is optimal for cleaning.
We encourage the purchase of this product, if you intend to use your oak barrel to serve & age beer or wine ONLY. If you purchase this product at the time you order your barrel, we will size it to fit the barrel you ordered. CLICK HERE to purchase a mini oak barrel. * Please note that YOU DO NOT NEED THIS PRODUCT WHEN AGING SPIRITS.
If you are planning to use the barrel to serve, age and/or make your own spirits, wine or beer, the following may be of interest to you: CLICK HERE to SEE SMALL BARREL INFORMATION for Frequently Asked Questions, Aging Spirits, Curing Your Barrel, Cleaning Your Barrel & Storing Your Barrel.